
Friday, January 1, 2021

The Revolution is Upon Us!

Happy 2021!  We're not over the pandemic, but I think we're starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  What a cruddy year 2020 was...  But, as some of you know, the pandemic has had one upside:  I started writing again!

I've been working on MANY different projects here and there.  As you know, I always work on ten projects at once and it takes me a while to actually finish any of them. 

However, I DID finish a new dark fantasy novelette called Royal Revolution for an LLS2020 exclusive anthology called The Queen Collection.  I have self published this novelette and it's available in e-book and print starting today through Amazon.  You'll be able to get this as an AUDIOBOOK in February.  It's the first of my work to be an audiobook and I'm really happy with how it came out!

I haven't put anything out in quite a few years so I hope you love this character and the world she lives in. :)  I'll be in two more anthologies this coming year and my intent is to self-publish those pieces as well.