
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

YA Fairy Tale Giveaway/Hop

For this Giveaway/Hop I'm going to tell you a little something special about my favorite fairy tale characters.  They're technically not "fairy tale" characters, cause I figure I might as well be the different one, but they are in fables, fairy tales, folk-tales, etc...  A couple aren't the ones swinging the ax either, but I love them none-the-less.

Favorite Fairy Tale Heroes/Heroines:
1.  Psyche from Eros and Psyche.  I first read this story in The Golden Ass by Robert Graves and I got caught up in Psyche's love for Eros and what she had to do it get him back.  It reminded me of the Whie-Bear-King-Valemon tale, which I'm also a huge fan of.
2.  The Little Match Girl, which is a Hans Christian Anderson story.  Morbid I know, but I read this tale when I was very young (first grade?).  To this day, I often think about that little girl huddled in a corner, lighting match after match, freezing to death, and I still want to find her and hug her.  Perhaps she's not a hero, but she certainly made an impact on my young mind.
3.  Brer Rabbit from the Uncle Remus tales.  I know what you're thinking:  He's a trickster, A.L., not a hero.  I beg to differ.  After doing the research I just did for my Trickster series, I'm going to stand by my feelings that tricksters are mayhaps the most heroic of them all.  :)

The winner can choose any one of the following YA fairytale re-tellings:


Enter the giveaway using Rafflecopter. Hit the green "Do It" buttons, follow the prompts, and hit the green enter buttons when you're done. (You may have to log in using Facebook to do this). There will be two winners (selected by Rafflecopter). I will contact the winners via email. This contest is open to international entrants.

NOTE:  This giveaway is running in conjunction with my Feature Friday giveaway of ABOVE by Leah Bobet.  If you want to win ABOVE as well, go here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Fantastic blog hop! Thank you!
    GFC ~ DeAnna Schutlz

  2. +JMJ+

    I think Brer Rabbit is more of a folk character than a faerie character, but he's definitely a great Trickster! =) Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. True. I think that Psyche and the little match girl are also technically not fairytale characters...But we won't tell anyone :) Myth, Legend, Fable, Folktale, Fairytale. Their all pretty darn awesome and I didn't want to pick what everyone else was picking, so I'm being a pinch lax on the rules. LOL.

  3. GFC follower Christina Kit.

    Thanks so much!

    I love modern retellings of fairy tales - especially Jackson Pearce's. She's an awesome writer, and her characters are really memorable.

    And the covers are great!

  4. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  5. I'm sooo loving this Fairytale Giveaway Hop! Please lemme win...........! :D

  6. Oh my, the books! Want them all! :D Amazing, thanks a lot! :)

  7. Oh, I had long since forgotten about Brer Rabbit, but now that you reminded me of him I remember falling in love with this character. I even remember the tales of Reddy the Fox. Oh my gosh, I can remember reading that book when I was a little girl and then reading it again to my nephew when he was about the same age. This is such a wonderful post and giveaway! Thank you, so much for being so generous!

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    Glass Houses by Rachel Caine Giveaway!

  8. Thanks for giveaway!
    GFC- Maritza Robinson

  9. "The Little Match Girl", not a fairytale but a fable, is a beautiful story, indeed! I most definitely remember being very young and, yet, feeling very touched by that story. Thank you for your generosity, for this wonderful post, and for participating in this amazing blog hop! :)

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

  11. Thanks for the fab giveaway!

    GFC = Juana Esparza


  12. I follow through GFC (Tiemi)
    Thanks for the intl giveaway ^^


  13. Thank you for your giveaway. GFC follower.

  14. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  15. Great choice of books!
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway :)

  16. OMG so many good fairy tale books!! thanks for the giveaway :D

  17. I am so interested in Entwined. Thanks for the giveaway! I am participating in the hop as well (#27 ~ Fairday's Blog!) Have a great night : ) ~ Jess

  18. There are such great choices. Thank you for the giveaway!

  19. GFC: blackwolf

  20. A girl after my own heart. I simply love the tale of Eros and Psyche. Have you read the book "The Princess and the God" by Doris Orgel? That's a good retelling.

    And oh Brer Rabbit! I grew up listening to that tale, and it is a favorite!

  21. I am really so glad now to see the giveaway fairy tale is an awesome idea really to give the winner number of choices to really choose the fairy tale he wants...
    Great thought!!

  22. Regards and good luck Bloggers like you are very few on World Wide Web and I am happy to found you. It’s like finding a pearl in the sea, tough but fruitful. Best wishes and regards.
