
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Salvation Station

I'm interrupting Thoughtful Thursday to give you a happy piece of news!  My short story, Salvation Station, just got released on OmniLit today!  It's going to be on Amazon/Kindle soon.  Either way, it's only .99 cents.  Your support is greatly appreciated!  Click the link to the left!

Also, I'm asking everyone to help raise some positive energy toward the publication of my YA paranormal romance novel, Scar-Crossed.  It's currently on submission with two editors who just might say, "Yes!"

I've created Hill Dweller Radio, a station dedicated to the story, on You-Tube.  If you'd be so kind, have a listen?  In my New Aged mind, that's the equivalent of plugging into the same energy wavelength :)  ...And, of course, with more people on the same wavelength, the likelihood of success is much higher!  Please click play below!


  1. You are just so incredibly talented...multi-gifted. So awesome to hear and see your nasty, crazy, amazing radio station music that you singing and all? So fantastic. I have to read and review your YA book that's coming out. And others, although, I'm not sure I'm cool enough... ;[
    Following here, and, of course, we chat on Twitter. Love you!

  2. Lots of positive energy coming your way!!!!
    Shari (My Neurotic Book Affair)

  3. Thanks Ladies! Deb, I'd love to have volunteers read and review my book when it comes out! I'm sure you're wicked cool :)
