
Friday, November 11, 2011

Finally Friday: In The Works.

Phew, finally a Friday where I'm not away!

Here some exciting things:

Scar-Crossed is still on submission!  Pray that she sells by the end of the year!

The Will of the Fallen is getting a face lift that will hopefully make it shorter and more in tune with my current writing style.  I'm hoping to finish edits by the end of the month (it's my NANOWRIMO project) and have betas complete reviews by January.  I'd like that on submission by June, if not earlier.

The Cyberpunk and the Steampunk are both on the boiler plate, I'm hoping to finish one by next June and the other by December.  You'll all be excited to know that the Steampunk is a novel set in the same world as The Alchemist's Perfect Instrument.

There is plotting with Kady Cross, Lia Habel, and possibly Leanna Renee Hieber to do panel(s) at The Great New England Steampunk Exhibition.

I've given up on telling you guys that Salvation Station is coming out...because my publisher always changes the supposed release date, but it will come out eventually.  It's going to be part of an anthology with a pretty cover and Jennifer Armintrout, so I can't complain about the delays.

I'm attempting to become at panelist at Arisia, Boskone, and Lunacon.  I may possibly attend Marcon or ICon...I don't know which one if either yet.

Faeriecon was awesome.  Delhi 2 Dublin is way better live than on their cds.  I still have a crush on Adam Hurst -- nothing hotter than a guy with a classical instrument...and actually knows how to play it!  I want the New York Faerie Festival Queen's crown.  ...and I want a faerie house ...and a pair of wings ...and... yeah, it's just a big pile of want and longing over here.  Too much "Ooo, shiny!" to deal with.

I've talked to my agent, The "Real" Zombie Survival Guide was accepted into the top secret anthology, but it still has to get pitched to a publisher.  I'm really excited for this one cause it has some big name authors in it, so pray that it gets accepted.

Also, my Steampunk erotic short, Engineers of the Heart was accepted into an anthology, though I have no clue when that is coming out either.  While this is another Dormorn story, it will probably be published under another name.  No need to frighten my YA readers away.

There will be two more Dormorn shorts completed by the end of the year.  One, Unbinding Elizabeth, is an erotic (again, probably to be published under a different name) and the other, The Krie Seekers, will be another weird tale, this one more in the vein of paranormal horror meets Sherlock Holmes.

Also, I'm side-plotting a possible anthology for the members of The Airship Pen and Ink.  I'd really like the release to coincide with the event we're having at Authors After Dark 2012, so pray for that too please.

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