Thursday, April 28, 2011
Up And Coming Wonderfuls
HOLT CRAPS! It's finally spring! Yes, it's really here. The buds are out and the birds are waking me up at 5AM! All I need are the turkeys and my life will be heaven!
Speaking of...
Edits. Hello! Yes, I have them and I am working on them. That means Scar-Crossed will go to publishers soon! That means I might actually have a deal and a book sold and I can post when it's coming out on my Twitter page!
Steampunk. Totally joined S.W.A.G. Totally getting my costumes ready. Totally going to The Steampunk World's Fair... Totally have a photo shoot in May. I'm lovin' it.
Networking. Yeah. Starting a new blog with some author buddies. Finding Twitter love. Established author account on Facebook. Now all I have to do is make the actual webpage and I'm looking good.
Writing. Three cheers for the WIP, I've got three of them. You can thank Pandora for hauling shiitake and kicking some Muse tush. Coming soon to a Beta-Reader near you: Tamrin, The Great White Light, and (barring another episode of plot-ADD) Cross-Breed. Backburner delights include: Shadow Caste, The Will of The Fallen, and various explorations into erotic anthologies.
Reading. OBSESSED with White Cat by Holly Black. Tweeking out cause I have edits and I can't read the rest of J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood novels until I'm done (SRSLY? these men have crappy names, but THEY ARE CRACK!) What else...Oh! I read something non-fiction! Yes folks, I can do it and I can love it! The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. Totally picked it up because I wan't to (one day) write a believable post-apocalypse story. Probably only going to use a pinch of what I learned, but it's such a cool book.
Finally...I'm going to the Cherry Blossom Festival this weekend! Come celebrate at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.
There are a lot of exclamation points in this post. Apologies, grammar Nazis. I'm just really happy and excited today.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Costume madness.
So, in all the chaos I forgot to post my Steampunk costume pics. The skirt is from ChicStar (Fabulous site I think I'm buying everything from there from now on). My corset and shirt are from ebay. I made the umbrella, hat, and hip jewelry.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wahoo! Progress!
So, The Anachronism was absolutely lovely! I went with my friend Danielle and met up with authors Stella Price, Leanna Renee Hieber, PJ Schnyder and met some wonderful other people! Marilyn you're included in t
In other news I found out about next year's Authors After Dark and OMG I'm excited.
Finally I wrote a detailed outline for the second half of Tamrin and started writing again. WOOT
I managed to figure out where the fatigue and general lack of spunk has been coming from. Apparently it's the supplements I'm taking to help with my migraines. My migraines are tension related, so I've been taking some supplements (magnesium, valerian root, passionflower) to help me sleep and relax my muscles. Apparently they make me very disinterested in things as well. Hm, good to know. I'm back on track and probably going to start getting migraines again, but at least I'm working. Ah, the things we do for art.
Friday, April 1, 2011
holy bejizuz.
Just saw Sucker Punch, put on a Victorian costume, stopped cat from drinking all my tea, and discovered crunchyroll in the same night...ya, I'm going to bed.