I'm totally bummed that I can't be at BEA (Book Expo America) this week.
One the bright side:
I now have two agents with full manuscripts in their possession. They are both supposed to get back to me in about two months. *Cue Jeopardy theme* Plus, I sent out a bunch of additional queries, so hopefully someone will actually respond this round.
I purchased new Vibram five finger toe shoes. (KSOs en noir if you must know) They are interesting feeling and apt to doom your calves to a week of slow agonizing pain if you're stupid enough to try soling a mile run on the first trial run. Despite that setback, I'm willing to let the blisters and muscle pain fade and try making soling a part of my existence.
I discovered the wonders of Whole Foods supermarket, peach scones, and the beverage, Honeydrop.
I'm attempting to slog through my writer's block. I've officially tied together three chapters to The Changeling Hunt (sequel to Scar-Crossed) and plotted a possible ending. I'm just wondering how I'm going to fit everything into one book and not make my readers hate me for what I plan to do to one of the main characters. *Cue maniacal laugh*
I'm reading Soulless by Gail Carriger. It's terribly wonderful and I want to be best friends with Gail. I feel like she'd be a friend like Sarah (with who you aren't acquainted, but she's a lady of a particularly interesting shade of wonky brilliance). I friended Gail on Twitter and she actually friended me back. I'm taking it as a sign cause she happens to be repped by one of the agents that has my manuscript.
Speaking of Twitter, I got ten new followers this weekend! (That's exciting because I'm trying to get as many followers as I can before the book comes out. It makes PR so much easier when people actually read and follow your work. Not like a certain blog...that no one reads. *Cue fake smile*
I'm listening to The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. I'm not willing to comment on it at the moment. Let's just say that I'm getting winded by the repetitiveness of the epic fantasies I've been selecting for myself of late. *Cue loud, obnoxious snore*
Finally, the hubs and I changed the radiator in Kitty this weekend. There was literally a massive hole in the radiator and bits of it were strewn all about the engine well. Can't be good. So I'm proud of the hubs for being all mechanical and I'm proud of me cause...well, no reason in particular, but there's no reason not to have a bit of self esteem, now is there?