
Thursday, June 25, 2009

YAY caffeine

I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I've been busy. Went to Amanda Palmer concert. Went to a wedding, going to another one this weekend. Had my first wedding anniversary and ate horribly freezer burned cake because of the worst tradition to survive in the western world. Got a little too addicted to Twitter, refusing to go on rehab...add Deviantart to that (I've been struggling with that addiction for years).

And then there is work. Not the fun work of writing, but the work that actually feeds me and fuels my netflix addiction to anime.

I should technically be doing work, but I'm in a procrastinating mood lately, my Archive boss is out today and I don't have to work at the Bakery. So, I'm feeling overly free spirited today.

A couple book updates: getting through the second half of edits and proofing the first half. I've been working on a couple extra side projects just to keep my mind in the right place. Once I'm done with proofing and sending out queries, I'm going to take a break for a while and do some painting. I'm feeling inspired by Deviantart.

Sorry, not too much to talk about. Blame it on the caffeine and the flighty attitude...or maybe the blonde hair? Nevermind, just go outside and enjoy the sun after all that rain.

1 comment:

  1. Dear A.L. Davroe: Please know you are, in my view, truly born to write for a living (not to archive).

    For one who has been a reader (and, loooong-ago, an aspiring novelist), your tweets tend to leave a strong impression of your struggles to establish yourself wholly as a professional writer (and not an archivist).

    It's a classic literary struggle - to be overcome.

    As a vehicle for doing so, may i suggest (as though you've not, perhaps, already considered it): Your tweets are forming the basis for a novel.

    Please, let's see more of them.


    Adam Pitt (@dehypnotist)

    P.S. - if you ever care to speak further of "addicted to Twitter" and "Deviantart...addiction" and "netflix addiction" and/or "blame it on...caffeine," please feel free to tweet me RE one or all of these matters, and i will listen as a sounding board (and, moreover, offer advice if asked for it).

    Note prominently: i am not aiming to charge anyone for my work as a dehypnotist. Rather, it's my pleasure to 'work' in this capacity for free. IMHO i can, in that way possibly help you toward achieving your creative goals - and free up energy which allows me to tackle alternate, professional endeavors. Of course, in my view, the caffeine, for you, is the real problem (not the NetFlix, the DeviantArt, the Twittering).

    Why young, aspiring writers sooo often develop a habit of relying upon it to function is a matter for speculation; perhaps, you can offer your views. i look forward to hearing from you in some way, shape, or form, soon enough; thank you for allowing me to follow your twittering; again, pls., do more...

    PPS-Please assure your husband that this is not a come-on. (It seems to me, from what little i've, thus far, read of your blogging, you are now barely into your second year of marriage??) You, too, should please trust: it is not that at all; rather, i quite empathize with your struggle to be a fully successful/worldly artist, and my heart goes out to you for that reason.

